You know how women complain about their men not changing for days in SL? Here is your solution! Grab this fatpack over at Avaboy and you got it made! It comes in many colors and options so all you got to do is switch up the color and/or shirt and she can never complain again! Countless combinations, colors and options!
Shirt: AvaBoy - Ryan Tucked Shirt - comes in various colors and styles
Pants: Avaboy - Ryan Summer Pants - 4 different colors
Skin: >> Aeros Avatar Byron << Skin :: honey :: Smooth
Shape: Self Made
Hat: AvaBoy - Group Gift
Eyes: -Walnut- *REDGRAVE*
Jewelery: L&B (M) "Treasured 2011" Wedding Band - Platinum,
::GB:: Angel heart Necklace ONE (M) ( group gift no longer available)
Shoes: {kokoia} - Jersey slink shoes - hud controlled
Hands: Slink Male Hands (AvEnhance) - Relaxed